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The Arizona landscape was once a sprawling view of farmland and ranches; however, as residential and business developments continue to expand at alarming rates, Arizona farmland is quickly vanishing.
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This short film celebrates and shares the stories of several of our local earth custodians who are doing the good work of creating edible spaces, urban forests, and caring for our fruit trees.
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The connection between a farm and food bank runs deep.. In this film, we explore that connection, and the vital role local farms play in supporting a food banks’ increasing food needs.
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It takes the support of an entire community to make a change. Learn how the Verde River project uncovered new farming practices and water-saving methods that preserve not only our state’s farming heritage but one of our most vulnerable resources: water.
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Meet the next generation of farmers who are using new wave and sustainable practices to grow fresh food and learn about the grassroots efforts at the Prescott Farmers Market that are linking its community to locally grown food.
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What do retailers and store buyers look for in a local food producer? How can you get your food product onto store shelves? This film provides some useful steps and tricks on how to break into the retail market.
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If we take a closer look at our natural desert environment, there is food that exists all around us. In this film, our featured speakers walk us through the nutrient-dense offerings and the health benefits of food that is native to Arizona.
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Get to know local farmers who are farming for a more just and equal food system. Hear their stories about why they are farming; and the causes, advocacy work, and the changes they are hoping to make for future generations.
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How has the pandemic affected Arizona’s farmers and our local food system? In this film, we take a closer look at the losses, the gains, the support, and the innovative pivots that Arizona farmers and the community took to make sure households had access to fresh food.
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Sourcing local and working directly with local food producers has become a crucial factor in many restaurants. Chef Justin Beckett and Chef Stephen Jones discuss why it’s important to them to support and use local ingredients in their restaurants and share where they find the freshest, locally grown ingredients.