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Arizona Statewide Food Action Plan: 2021 Virtual Planning Sessions

The Arizona Food Systems Network (with the leadership of Pinnacle Prevention Double Up Food Bucks Arizona) is picking up where they left off last year to create a statewide food plan!

AZFSN is hosting virtual community meetings for everyone across the state in April, May, and June. Find the details below and join to plan for a better, more equitable, more resilient food system for Arizona.

Who should attend the regional meetings?
Anyone interested in lending their voice to the statewide food plan. The meetings are open to all. Please share with your networks so we can make sure everyone has a seat at the table.

Can I attend meetings in multiple regions?
Yes! You are welcome to attend any and all meetings. We want this process to be open and flexible, so please participate as your schedule allows.

How do I attend?
Save the dates in your calendar along with the meeting link and at the time of the meeting, use the link to join the meeting room.

· Northern region: 4/14, 5/12 & 6/9 (2:00 - 4:00 PM)
· Central region: 4/21 , 5/19 & 6/16 (2:30 - 4:30 PM)
· Southern region: 4/28, 5/26 & 6/23 (2:00 - 4:00 PM)

Meeting Link:

Other questions?
Contact Jessie Gruner at