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Weekly Update for Local Businesses


With the landscape of operating a small business changing every day, local business owners need to be in the know of the latest updates. Join Thomas Barr & Ty Largo on a weekly live video call on Thursdays at 12pm to get the most up to date information on:

-Resources available for your business
-Ideas for pivoting your business strategies
-Expert advice on how to communicate with the community
-Marketing ideas to drive revenue

Come to troubleshoot current issues your business is facing, ask questions about what you are hearing in the news that impacts your business, and walk away with ideas to help your business sustain through these challenging times.

Thomas Barr is the Executive Director of Local First Arizona, providing support and resources to our organization's 3000 small businesses across the state.
Ty James Largo is the owner of AWE Collective, advising the top hospitality, retail, finance, non-profit, entertainment, development, construction, tourism, events, and real estate names and brands on the West Coast.