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Big Catz Culinary Experience by Tiger Mountain Foundation

TigerMountain Foundation’s garden initiatives are special because people from all walks of life selflessly come together to help others in need. That’s how, last year, over 2,000 volunteers worked over 8,000 hours for our community on TMF projects. TigerMountain Foundation also creates jobs for people who are socially and economically disadvantaged: these employees worked over 17,000 hours in our gardens and on agri-landscaping projects while developing their skills and achieving their goals. Over the past two years, TMF has averaged supplying 40,000 meals per year to area residents.

The Big Catz Culinary Experience is a wonderful celebration that honors the diversity, empowerment, and accomplishments of TigerMountain Foundation. Come together with community supporters, farmers, and members to enjoy a cultural culinary tour experience of our oasis in the desert. We owe it to you to share an evening together. There is no way we could do impactful work without a hand from others.

Join the festivities on April 7th, 2022 from 5:30 PM to 8 PM at the Spaces of Opportunity.

All fundraiser proceeds will benefit Phoenix communities facing financial and/or food insecurity. TMF efforts are especially strong in the South Phoenix area where the return-back-to-jail rate is extremely high.