Protecting Arizona Farmland

Protecting Arizona Farmland

Arizona was recently ranked in the lowest tier scoring of policy response by American Farmland’s Trust for protecting agricultural land from development, promoting farm viability, and facilitating the transfer of agricultural land. Arizona can do better, and there are tools to help us protect our farmland. 

Conservation Tools to Protect Farmland     

Conservation generally refers to the use of methods, such as an agricultural conservation easement, to protect natural resources like productive agricultural land, ground and surface water, wildlife habitat, historic sites, or scenic views. Conservation easements are a highly effective tool to protect and preserve farmland. For more information on conservation easements and conservation tools, refer here.  

Municipal Tools to Protect Farmland 

Farmland preservation can be accomplished by implementing strategies like agricultural zoning (PAD/PUD) that would preserve a portion of a proposed development site for amenities —such as an area for food production—, land use regulation, agricultural buffeters, right-to-farm ordinances, transfer or purchase of development rights, farmland mitigation requirements, and other tools to manage and protect farmland.

Development and Urban Growth Planning

Plan with and for agriculture, not just around or without it. Municipal and state planning needs to include designs that allow for farms to coexist in the urban setting, whether this is how streets and curbs are designed (space for tractors, please!), infrastructure projects that won’t damage or remove farmland, or zoning for mixed-use agricultural. Comprehensive land-use planning that integrates farms into urban design and urban centers not only generates more profit per acre because of the higher access to direct marketing to neighbors but it also creates other community and environmental benefits.

Learn more here on other ways to protect farmland.

If you know other Arizonans who are successfully working to preserve farmland, let us know

How to Get Involved

Help protect farmland by joining The Coalition for Farmland Preservation (CFP). The CFP is a diverse partnership of farmers, non-profits, land trust organizations, conservation groups, government agencies and municipalities, food system advocates, and universities that was developed as a way to collaboratively address farmland loss across the state, particularly in Maricopa County. Join the movement!

Additional Resources:

The American Farmland Trust’s "Farms Under Threat: The State of the States” webinar has useful detailed information on land use in Arizona.

City of Phoenix’s Farmland Preservation Program seeks to achieve healthy food for all and a long-term resilient system by conserving agricultural property within the City of Phoenix. In partnership with nonprofits and land trusts, this allocation assists in the purchase and preservation of land for agriculture in Phoenix.

Central Arizona Land Trust is a community-based, nationally accredited non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the irreplaceable landscapes that define central and northern Arizona. Among the places they have protected are Thumb Butte and the Granite Dells - Payne property..

Arizona Association of Conservation Districts is made up of farmers, ranchers, and volunteers – conserve our water, soil, wildlife habitats, open spaces, and other limited natural resources. Conservation Districts are hubs of conservation at the local level, providing education, community outreach, and other essential functions in supporting conservation across the state.

Arizona Community Land Trust holds and protects land for the larger community: providing long-term access to land for affordable housing, community gardens and agriculture, and other community initiatives while facilitating a deeper community connection and recognition of our mutual interdependence with all Life.

Arizona Land and Water Trust has protected over 50,000 acres of land in Arizona, including well known ranches like the Babacomari Ranch and Sopori Ranch. They protect Southern Arizona’s vanishing western landscapes, its farms and ranches, wildlife habitat, and the waters that sustain them.

Arizona Food Systems Network is a community of local, state and regional food systems advocates, practitioners and leaders who have a vested interest in collaborating to improve the food system for all Arizonans.

Maricopa County Food System Coalition was founded to support and grow a food system in Maricopa County that is healthy, equitable, sustainable, and thriving.