Danielle Corral

Connecting Ag

Danielle Corral has worked in the food system and agriculture space for over 15 years. She began as a holistic nutritionist and then moved into permaculture and co-founded a nonprofit dedicated to urban forestry. To better connect children and schools with nutritious food and local farmers, she worked in local food procurement at the Arizona Department of Education with USDA child nutrition programs. Danielle then managed an Arizona-based Coalition for Farmland Preservation to address the rapid rate of farmland loss and to support small-scale and underserved producers. She is currently working as an Agricultural Consultant and apprenticing as a Bison Rancher.

Danielle holds a Master of Arts in International Diplomacy, a Bachelor of Science in Public Administration and Criminal Justice, and certifications in both Holistic Nutrition and Sustainable Food Systems. She is also a former U.S. Air Force Intelligence Analyst Officer.