Superior Prickly Pear Festival Seeks Educators and Vendors


Save the date for the 2018 Prickly Pear Festival! This celebration of our incredible, edible desert will be held on Saturday, August 18 from 8:00am – 9:00pm in Superior, Arizona!

This event originated several years ago when organizers at the Boyce Thompson Arboretum (BTA), a world-class Botanical Garden located just 3 miles east of Superior, began showcasing the many uses and health benefits of prickly pear fruit, otherwise known as the “tuna”.

Harvesting of the bright red cactus fruit takes place in August when it is fully ripe. The folks at BTA were giving classes and lectures on foraging and the many ways to prepare and enjoy the prickly pear, attendance and interest was so overwhelming that the idea of an entire event could be possible. This was pitched to the Chamber of Commerce, and in 2012, Superior had its first Prickly Pear Festival!

From the get-go, they recognized a large interest and desire for more than just information about the prickly pear.

What they saw was a growing culture and community wanting to know more about sustainable living, gardening, homeopathy, food education, foraging, alternative food options and overall health and wellness. With each year, the event has expanded and evolved to cater to these interests and every year the event’s interest base grows even larger.

2018’s event is shoring up to be one of the best, yet. But Superior needs your help! The festival planners are currently seeking guest speakers, storytellers, local foragers, food trucks, vendors, and entertainment to help make the day great.

To get your creative juices flowing -- in years past, the Festival has included live music performers, food & retail vendors, historians, art galleries, youth components, a prickly pear cook-off, raffle prizes, and guest speakers. There are also the annual favorites: a beer making class, pancake breakfast, demonstrations, Prickly Pear refreshments at the "Cactus Lounge," and of course a Saturday night dinner with live entertainment.

If you or your business are interested in getting involved, please contact Pete directly at

For more information and updates; follow the activity on Facebook at “Prickly Pear Festival” and “Superior Arizona Chamber.” Or check back for updates on the website at

Hope to see you there!!