Quick Tips for Tending Your Winter Garden


Winter Harvest

Original Content Written by Morgan Myers

If you’re already tired of hot chocolate and fire pits, don’t worry—December has more to offer! Outside it is cool in the morning, with nice sunny days that follow. It’s the perfect weather to put some new vegetables in the garden. We’ve wrangled up 20 plants to introduce to your edible garden this winter. With plants ranging from leafy greens to root veggies, there are plenty of options to choose from.

Winter Crops

  • Arugula - may be planted thick

  • Beets - to insure good size, routinely thin

  • Bok Choy - cool weather plant, bolts early

  • Carrot - can be slow-sprouting

  • Cilantro/Coriander - great companion plant, beneficial insects attracted

  • Collards - moist, fertile soil needed, frost improves flavor

  • Kale - harvest leaves as desired

  • Leaf Lettuce - pull leaves as needed

  • Leeks - well-draining soil needed

  • Mizuna - try as 'baby' greens or full grown

  • Mustard Greens - similar to collards and kale, frost improves flavor

  • Parsley - slow germination

  • Parsnip - sweeter after a frost

  • Peas - use a trellis or other support

  • Radish - planting 8-10 apart means steady supplies

  • Spinach - bolts quickly

  • Swiss Chard - pick outer leaves for continuous harvest

  • Turnip - thin out after they start growing

  • Tomato - does well with shade cloth


Good Food Finder