7 Ways to Support the Earth

Are you interested in leading a greener life but not sure where to start? 

It's easy to feel overwhelmed when we look at the state of our planet today. Climate change, deforestation, farmland loss, pollution, and other environmental issues can lead us to be inundated and unsure of what we can do to support and heal the earth. 

While it takes a collective effort to change the course, we can still take actionable steps toward a more sustainable future. Whether you're a seasoned environmentalist or just starting to think about your impact on the planet, read on to learn how you can live greener.

Choose Locally Grown & Organic Foods

Choosing locally grown and organic food is one of the best ways to support the earth AND your local community. Supporting local, small-scale farmers contributes to building a more resilient food system, which in turn, enables communities to feed each other, keeps money in the local economy and sustains the livelihoods of these farmers who are adopting regenerative and mindful farming practices. By local farmers, you’re also reducing the carbon footprint of your food, as it doesn't need to be transported long distances. Organic farming methods also reduce the use of harmful pesticides and chemicals that can damage soil and water quality. When you can, try to buy food from local farmers markets or purchase directly from your local farmer through community-supported agriculture programs (CSAs). 

To find a local farmer near you, click here here.

Minimize Food Waste

Did you know: Arizona was ranked the state with the most food waste than any other state? Food waste is a significant issue that contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and waste disposal. To minimize food waste in your own home, plan meals in advance, buy only what you need, and store food properly. You can also compost food scraps to create nutrient-rich soil for your garden or consider adding a composting service like Recycled City that is diverting food waste back into local farmland to grow local food. By reducing food waste, you’re also reducing the amount of food that ends up in landfills, which can also release harmful methane gas.

Curious about expiration labels on food products? Click here to learn if it’s expired or still good to eat. 

Grow Your Own & Plant a Tree

Growing your own food is an excellent way to support the earth. It reduces the carbon footprint of your food, encourages us to compost, and connects us to how our food is grown. Even if you don't have a large garden, you can grow herbs, vegetables, and fruits in pots or small spaces. It’s a great way to connect with nature and enjoy fresh, healthy food straight from your garden. If you don’t have access to a backyard, check to see if there are any community gardens in your area. 

If you're not ready to commit to starting up your own garden, planting a tree is a great option, too! Trees offer numerous environmental benefits, such as shade that is especially important in the Valley during the summer months - shade reduces energy consumption by reducing temperatures and lowers cooling costs. Trees also act as natural water filters, reducing erosion and runoff while also replenishing groundwater and overall ecosystem health. 

Stay Educated and Lend a Hand

There are many organizations and initiatives in Arizona dedicated to conserving and protecting the earth’s natural resources. You can also make a difference by encouraging others on how to make small yet impactful changes and by participating in local clean-up efforts, volunteering, and advocating for policies that support the environment. P.S - You can find upcoming local community food and farming events here!

Conserve Water

Water is a precious resource, especially in Arizona, and with current mega-drought conditions,  it’s especially important that we all do our part to conserve it. Getting involved in webinars and workshops can help you stay knowledgeable on the current water crisis, but there are also ways you can conserve water everyday - from investing in water-efficient appliances like low-flow showerheads and toilets or investing in a water efficient irrigation system for use in your garden.

Protect Farmland

Preserving farmland in Arizona is critical for ensuring a sustainable food future for the state. Arizona's climate and soil provide unique opportunities for growing a wide variety of crops, but with urbanization and development, farmland in America is disappearing at an alarming rate of nearly 40 acres per hour. By preserving farmland, we can not only maintain the economic benefits of agriculture but also promote healthy ecosystems, protect natural resources, preserve cultural heritage and support local food systems. 

Are You a Business Owner? Greenify your Business! 

If you’re a business owner looking to take your sustainability efforts to the next level, did you know Local First Arizona has multiple sustainability programs and support?  Arizona Green Business Certification offers a self-guided process, with hands-on consultation from Local First Arizona’s sustainability team, that delivers strategies to reduce your company’s impact and give your business the recognition it deserves. Additionally, SCALE UP (Sustainable Communities Accessing Lending and Expertise Upon Performance) is an award-winning program that offers a comprehensive seven-week workshop series for locally-owned and operated independent businesses and nonprofits in Arizona. 

Learn more about protecting our Earth through farmland preservation, supporting local and more.

Annie Godin