It’s The Perfect Time to Adopt A Sonoran Desert Crop


Whether you are a gardener, home cook, or full-fledged Arizona locavore - there’s never been a better time to participate in the Adopt-A-Sonoran-Desert-Crop Program! Hosted by the Ajo Center for Sustainable Agriculture (Ajo CSA), the program preserves and promotes native and regionally appropriate crops through seed-saving - enabling present-day gardeners to grow plants that are well-adapted to grow and thrive in Arizona, giving all of us the chance to try out new flavors and dishes in the kitchen.

The best part? It’s free!

Gardeners receive free seeds to grow and harvest along with direct support from Ajo CSA staff. In addition to a wealth of tips and advice regarding adopted crops(s), growers will have access to gardening workshops, food demos, instructional videos, school-garden-based education and more.

The only thing that the program requests is that a portion of the daughter seeds or bulbs be returned to restock their seed library. These seeds will, in turn, be used to help another grower get started. This keep the program sustainable!

So How Does it Work? 

First off, the seed-saving program is completely free of charge. All it takes is an interest in preserving the history and culture of our region, and contacting the program coordinators. Soon after, you’ll receive a custom package of seeds to plant and cultivate. Once you opt into the program, you’ll receive direct support from Ajo CSA staff who will provide you with advice and tips regarding your adopted crop and access to the results yielded from the newly expanded research branch.

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So what is a Sonoran Desert Crop?

The inherent nature of these regionally appropriate crops makes them a powerhouse against the blazing Arizona heat and the drought-prone desert landscape. Here are a few of the crops available. Click on the links below to learn about each one.

Ready to adopt a desert-adapted crop?

Please contact Caitlin, Outreach Coordinator at Ajo CSA, and she will prepare a package for you. Stay tuned for the launch of planting videos and more!

The Adopt-A-Sonoran-Desert-Crop Program is bought to you by Ajo Center for Sustainable Agriculture (Ajo CSA). Ajo CSA works to support the development of a sustainable and just local food system in Ajo, Arizona and the surrounding region.

They provide agricultural education, reduce barriers to healthy and culturally-appropriate foods, preserve and revitalize agricultural traditions, foster local, food-based economic development and establish valuable partnerships.